Stomach Cancer Relief Network Inc. Volunteer Agreement
Please read carefully. As a volunteer/intern with the Stomach Cancer Relief Network Inc. (SCRNET), I agree to all the following terms/conditions and understand that the terms/conditions listed below are not all-inclusive and may be updated, as needed:
I apply to participate in programs and activities sponsored by the Stomach Cancer Relief Network Inc.
and understand that I am not being compensated financially for any of my involvement with the SCRNET.
I agree that the Stomach Cancer Relief Network Inc. and the organizations for whom it is performing services, their
agents, officers, and directors shall not be liable for any injury that I may incur while
participating in a sponsored activity or project, and I release and agree to hold harmless
and defend them from any claim that I or anyone may have arising from my participation.
I understand that some activities may expose me to normal risk, and I confirm that
if I choose to participate in these activities that I have no health or physical problems that
will interfere with my safety or health.
I hereby release the Stomach Cancer Relief Network Inc. and its board members, administrators, team leaders,
organizers, volunteers, and any other person or persons acting on behalf of the Stomach Cancer Relief Network Inc.
from any claims arising from my volunteer work with and for Stomach Cancer Relief Network Inc.
I also agree that the Stomach Cancer Relief Network Inc. holds no responsibility for the outcome of any friendships that
may or may not form between myself and another person that I might meet through the
Stomach Cancer Relief Network Inc. In agreeing to meet with another member I take responsibility for any actions
that might occur during that time and agree to hold the Stomach Cancer Relief Network Inc. free from any liability.
I acknowledge that the Stomach Cancer Relief Network Inc. places a high value on reliability and I agree to show up on
time to all volunteer projects for which I sign up for. Should an emergency prohibit me
from participating as scheduled, I agree to notify the Event Leader immediately.
I am aware that the agencies that are scheduled to receive help through the Stomach Cancer Relief Network Inc. count
on the volunteers to be there, and that as a result, the Stomach Cancer Relief Network Inc. has a strict “no-show”
policy where more than 1 unexcused no-show will be cause for removal from the group.
I further assign to the Stomach Cancer Relief Network Inc. and consent to its unrestricted use and publication in any
media of any photograph, recording, interview, videotape, or other recording of me in
connection with any activities in which I may participate with the Stomach Cancer Relief Network Inc.
I understand I may not initiate or engage in any media/public event pertaining to the organization without the approval of the Stomach Cancer Relief Network Inc. Requests for media engagements will be referred directly to the SCRNET Staff or Volunteer Supervisor.
I agree not to initiate any claim against the Stomach Cancer Relief Network Inc. resulting from either volunteer
or social activities. I accept the terms of this agreement. Please enroll me as a
Stomach Cancer Relief Network Inc. Volunteer.
Return to the Volunteer Appilcation page and submit. Thank You.