Fact Sheet

Yanira Mitchell gives birth to Noah on March 7, 2007.

Yanira is diagnosed with Linitis plastica, stomach cancer (gastric cancer) stage IV and given 6 months to live. Her pregnancy concealed the stomach cancer and went undectected.

Radiation/chemotheraphy treatments begin and the concept of helping others financially through a non-profit organization is realized.

Yanira's entire stomach is removed. (full gastrectomy)

After months of recovering and healing, cancer cells return.

Doctors open Yanira back up and realize no more surgery is possible now because the spread of cancer cells have invaded the entire body. Prognosis now was approximately 2 months to live.

Marcus promises Yanira on her death bed that he would complete their non-profit idea.

Yanira dies at the hospice from all the stomach cancer complications on September 6, 2008.

Marcus turns to social media to reenter the world of the living by doing good deeds.

Marcus gets refocused on their mission/vision and Stomach Cancer Relief Network Inc. is born November 22, 2010.
E-mail: info@scrnet.org